Polské uhlí, a.s. - Polské uhlí

Polské uhlí, a.s.

The Company has been operating since 2003. Its main activity is the purchase of hard bituminous, coking and steam coals mined in Poland and its sale to the Czech and Slovakian markets. The goal of the Company was to provide the quantity and ange of coal, a supply of which cannot be completely sustained by the Czech hard bituminous coal producers from the region of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.

Our Company is a member of the strong capital group WĘGLOKOKS and extends its scope of business to the Central European markets by being involved in sales of metallurgical material of production with our affiliated company and also in sales of certified rubber products from recycled waste.

Polské uhlí, a.s. was registered under No. 2682, section C in the Commercial Register of the District Court in Ostrava.


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The joint-stock company Polské uhlí a.s is a member of the WĘGLOKOKS concern pursuant to the provisions of Section 79 of Act no. 90/2012 Coll., the Act on Business Corporations.

The company's Board of Directors, at its meeting held on 19 November 2013, decided to adopt the principles of the corporate policy of the WĘGLOKOKS group, issued on 11 September 2013.

Copyright by Polské uhlí, a.s., © 2013-2025